When the human beings come from cosmic world as they are born, then they already carry the cosmic power in their body, which is preserved in Sapt- chakras and they are- Muladhar (root- Kundalini), Swadisthana (Sacrum), Manipur (Solar Plexus), Anahata (Heart), Vishudhaa (Throat), Agya (Third Eye), Sahasrara (Crown). These Chakras maintain and enter the seven stages which human beings call swarga (heaven) and they area- Bhoo, bhuva, swa, maha, jana, tapa,sat. The whole power of the cosmos like sun, moon, stars, all these exist in our body especially in chakras. If any human being practices the awakening of these chakras by Yoga, he can become a super human like God. Then he can proclaim himself as- “shivoham” or “Aham-Brahma”
Before understanding the significance, we first need to know the actual meaning of Chakras. From Muladhar to Sahasrar there are 7 joint parts in our backbone. Yogis have described these Sapt-Chakras as Lotus, but actually there are some nerves which are spread from each and every joint to other parts of the body. All these nerves look like Lotus and if any scientist tries to chalk out the anatomy of the human body, they will be perceiving all these nerves as Lotus. So, this proves the presence of Chakras in our body, scientifically.
There is a space of about two inches (three fingers put together) between the rectum and the penis. This space looks like it is stitched. In the centre of this space is the Kundalini shakti. This Kundalini Shakti is like a small ball of muscle resembling a shivlinga. This small muscle is encircled by a very fine thread like object taking 3.5 spiral rounds looking like a small snake. This snake like object is nothing but mercury. When Jap is practiced in lakhs along with pranayama, then a energy is created in the body, with the formation and increase of heat energy. This mercury, which is in like the snake encircling the muscle, begins to detach and detangles by this yogic (Kriya) activity, the chakras awaken and as a result of this, all the activities of previous births are awakened. It is this way the chakra cleansing can be spiritually and scientifically explained. One who is practicing yoga and meditation can clearly experience this.
Meditation means the super concentration of mind. When the mind is concentrated by the Yoga or pranayam or Kumbhak Kriya, then your body makes itself a supreme space of powers. This pranayam and kumbhak kriya related to Yoga, stimulate your body and makes a spiritual heat in you. This stimulation and the heat together awakens the chakras.
Every chakra embodies and maintains the ultimate power of universe.
When Muladahar chakra is awakened through yoga, then that human being can establish himself as a supreme leader of human beings. This is “Khiti tatwa”. The color associated with Muladhar Chakra is Red
Second chakra is the Ap chakra or Swadishthan chakra, which maintains the power of water and things related to water. If this chakra opens, then a Yogi can conquer the power of water and he ceases to fear the extreme power of water. The color associated with this chakra is transparent like water.
Third chakra is Tej or Manipur chakra. It is also called agni chakra. If a human being conquers the Tej (heat) of fire he can get power from Agni or Tej tatwa, then the fire cannot destroy him. The color related to this chakra is yellow.
Fourth is Anahata Chakra is the place of supreme love, divine love. spiritual love. If anybody can awaken this Chakra by Yoga then for that person, there is no difference between him and anybody else. He loves everybody equally, and this love is divine love. He not only loves all human beings, he loves everything existing in this world. Color associated to this Chakra is Sky Blue.
The fifth chakra is Vishudha chakra. If anyone can awaken this chakra by Yoga, he gets the ultimate knowledge of universe and this ultimate revealed knowledge of the entire universe comes to him spontaneously. The color related to this chakra is milky white.
Sixth chakra is the Agya chakra and if it is open, that human being can see himself sitting on a two-leaf lotus. He can see himself and also lord Shiva beside him. Then he may be called as “aatmgyani” and “aatmdarshi” yogi. The color related to this Chakra is Bright White.
Last chakra is called Sahasrar Chakra. When Yogi reaches this place with the Kundalini shakti, then he sees himself as Brahma and then he announces, “I am Brahma”. The color associated to this Chakra is grey. So, if any yogi can open these chakras or even any single chakra, then the knowledgeable person of the spiritual world can identify, what all chakras are open in that yogi’s body.