– The secrets of Gyanganj – Spiritual Practices of Gyanganj

Gyanganj is the most mysterious divine land in the whole world. This extraordinary and invisible land is the focal point of spiritual powers. It is from this place that the whole world draws spiritual power, energy and knowledge.

This spiritual land, ever shrouded in mystery and hidden from the eyes of common men, has always been the source of curiosity and wonder. No one knows where exactly Gyan Ganj is, who stays there and what activities are performed there.

Only the greatest Maha Yogis and Mahatmas have true knowledge regarding this mysterious divine place.

In this video, some rare and unknown facts about Gyanganj will be unfolded by the divine grace of Shivakalpa Mahayogi Sri Sri Dadaji Maharaj. We are all showered by his divine grace and blessings.

Gyanganj is the central point of all divine powers. It is from here that all sadhakas acquire their spiritual powers.

In Gyanganj different types of sadhanas are performed like yoga, kriya yoga, hat yoga, tantra yoga, Gyan yoga, aghor sadhana, etc. In different areas or sections of gyanganj, the highest order of all these sadhanas are performed.

Hans Yoga

Among these various places, there is a special place in gyanganj filled with miraculous spiritual powers. In this special place of gyanganj, a very rare and secret sadhana known as Hans yoga is performed.

This place of Gyanganj is filled with jackfruit trees. Jackfruit trees have great significance in the spiritual world. The spiritual powers of the universe are stored and channelled through jackfruit trees and that is why yogis and maha yogis sit and meditate under jackfruit trees.

It is in this mysterious place filled with jackfruit trees the secret sadhana known and Hansa yoga is performed. Through Hansayoga a sadhak can attain mahasiddhis in his spiritual sadhana.

Maharishi Angira and Matanga – Rishis in Gyanganj

Maharshi Angira is the prime spiritual guru of all the sadhakas performing this sadhana. Maharishi Angira has retained his worldly body since the time of Satya Yuga. He is 35 feet in height.

We all know that during Satya yuga the height of people was much more than what we are today. Human beings have shrunk in height through the ages. The second Guru of this place is Maharshi Matanga – the guru of Bajrangbali Hanumanji.

Maharshi Angira gives Deeksha to all the sadhakas and Maharshi matanga shows them the path to highest knowledge and spiritual kriya. In this place of Gyan Ganj, even the youngest of all sadhakas are at least 200 to 300 years old. Such is the extraordinary and miraculous land of Gyanganj.

Gyanganj always remains hidden in shrouds of mystery, away from the eyes and knowledge of common men. It is only by the grace of great Maha Yogi Mahatmas that we get to know about Gyanganj.

By the grace of Shivakalpa Mahayogi Sri Sri Dadaji Maharaj, we will slowly unfold the mysteries of Gyan Ganj and gain knowledge about this secret and coveted place Gyan Ganj. Jai sadgurudev, Jai Dadaji Maharaj.

The above video is also available in Hindi and Bengali.