Shivakalpa Mahayogi Sri Sri Dadaji Maharaj

In a spiritually enlightened nation like India, going on a pilgrimage is considered as blessings of the almighty and an auspicious sign of good fortune. A journey to a shrine not only reinforces your faith and belief in the blessings of deities that we go and worship, but also it detaches you from the materialistic world- the world which can give you brief moments of external happiness but fails to satisfy your inner soul. But is the pilgrimage only limited to this thought?

In a spiritual communion when we asked Shivakalpa Mahayogi Shri Shri Dadaji Maharaj about the Significance of pilgrimage, Dadaji explained us- Going on a pilgrimage is to experience that pure spiritual joy which that shrine or the place gives you. To feel the oneness with the spiritual powers of that place.

Dadaji explained that the shrines which are thousands of years old, there even every dust particle is extremely charged with the strong spiritual vibrations which yogis and Mahayogis have left behind, by doing spiritual Sadhna for years at such places. It is vital to experience these vibrations and pull them inside us, when we visit these age-old shrines. At such places you should always carry your asana with you. One should sit at each spiritual spot for a while and practice Jap Mantra given by Sadguru because the spiritual powers of any such shrine is so high that the fruits of your Jap will be manifolds, as compared to what you do sitting at your home.

The intent of anybody going on a pilgrimage should be, to pull those spiritual powers inside you which are stored there, by means of your Jap and Sadhna. The most important aspect is not only pulling the powers inside you but to hold those powers and eternal spiritual joy inside till you again go back on a pilgrimage next time.

Going on pilgrimage with Sadguru- to even board the train or any other means of transport for going on a Teerth-yatra with Sadguru is a matter of sanction from the Sadguru, Mahayogis and the supreme power. It is purely the blessings of the Sadguru which helps you reach that Maha Teerth. Sadguru not only takes you spiritually ahead in a very high speed but also keeps you within the periphery of Sadhna even in the smallest of work you do when you are on a Teerth-Yatra with him. The residence of Guru on a pilgrimage becomes an Ashram where the disciples are never detached with the significance of that spiritual place, as each moment becomes a spiritual bliss. The biggest “Teerth”  in itself is the “Guru-Sangh” (to be with Guru) when we go on a pilgrimage, which the modern-day disciples are deprived of, as compared to the disciples of ancient times who used to stay in Gurukul all the time with their Guru.

River Ganga, Benaras

The reflection of your true self- when you purely experience the spiritual vibrations on a pilgrimage, then what you are and what your soul truly desires starts reflecting, which means if you wish to be with Guru all the time or cook, dance, eat and even cry out of spiritual joy, it starts reflecting out by itself effortlessly. This happens when your soul gets connected with the cosmos. This is truly the significance of going to a Teerth-sthaan which Dadaji’s disciples experienced in each moment, when they went to places like Amarkantak (MP), Kamakhya, Kashi (Benaras), at Dadaji’s Divyashram at Bakreshwar, Tarapeeth, Haridwar, Omkareshwar etc. by the divine grace of Shivakalpa Mahayogi Shree Shree Dadaji Maharaj.