What is a Guru’s role on spiritual paths?

The word “Guru” means a tradition which has been continuing through many centuries. It is a Parampara or tradition. In India we accept Lord Shiva to be the First Guru or Adi Guru.

Lord Shiva or Mahadeva is the origin of our Guru Parampara.

About twenty thousand years ago, it was Lord Shiva who, through his supreme knowledge, taught his disciples to proceed on the path of spirituality through various yogic processes and taught them how to attain Godliness. In order to achieve this objective, Lord Shiva discovered 84 lakh (8,400,000) Asanas and Pranayamas. In these Asanas and Pranayamas, special forms of air flow occur in the body, which are named according to their activities, such as, PranaApanaByanaUdana, and Samana. These five types of air called Panchavayu, are activated, which stimulate and keep our bodies healthy. The Guru, through special breathing mechanisms (pranayama), teaches his disciples the methods to activate the Panchavayu so that his Sadhana attains success in the path of spirituality.

If a disciple succeeds in awakening his Sapta Chakra (Muladhar, Swadhisthan, Manipur, Anahata, Vishuddha, Aggya, Sahasrar) through Pranayam Kriya, his path to attain God is unhindered. As this is a difficult process, it is always advised to learn Pranayama Kriya in the presence of your Guru.

It is only the Guru who can show the correct path, the yogic path to become Siddha. It is only the Guru who is capable of removing the Adidaivik and Adibhautik obstacles from a disciple’s life and to take him on the path of spiritual realization. It is for these reasons that the guidance of the Guru is of utmost importance.

Get in Touch

Shivakalpa Mahayogi Sri Sri Dadaji Maharaj,
Ashram Address – 11/1, Rupnarayan Nandan Lane, Kolkata – 700025,
Contact No. +91–33–2454–1184.

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